Internet Info 1994 March
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October 8th, 1992
Reported by: Greg Vaudreuil, IESG Secretary
This report contains IESG meeting notes, positions and action items.
For more information please contact the IESG Secretary.
Almquist, Philip / Consultant
Borman, David / Cray Research
Crocker, Dave / TBO
Crocker, Steve / TIS
Coya, Steve / CNRI
Gross, Philip / ANS
Hinden, Robert / SUN
Hobby, Russ /UC-Davis
Huizer, Erik / SURFnet
Piscitello, Dave/ Bellcore
Vaudreuil, Greg / CNRI
Davin, Chuck / Bellcore
Reynolds, Joyce / ISI
Stockman, Bernard / SUNET/NORDUnet
1) Administivia
o Approval of the Minutes
o Next IESG Teleconference
2) Protocol Actions
o Appletalk over PPP
o String Representation of Distinguished Names
o SNMP over Foo
o Token Ring MIB
o RIP Version 2
o RIP Version 2 MIB
o RIP Protocol Analysis
o Ident/ Ident MIB
4) Technical Management Issues
o ROAD Activities
o IESG Re-Organization
o IESG Meeting Minutes
o Working Group Tracking/Charters
1) Administrivia
o Approval of the minutes
The IESG discussed and approved the minutes for the meetings of the
September 10, 14 and 21st. The minutes of October 1st were held for
further review. Gross noted that the minutes do reflect the IESG
meetings, but much of the work of the IESG occurs on the mailing
list and is not recorded. An agenda item was added to discuss
o Next Meeting
The next IESG meeting was set for October 19th, 12-2 ET. Plans were
tentatively made for a face to face meeting at Interop Wednesday,
28th for lunch at Interop. Those IESG members not in attendance
would be linked by telephone.
2) Protocol Actions
o PPP LCP for Appletalk
The IAB raised a question on the references to the APPLE ASCII
character set referenced in the document.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Contact the author of the PPP LCP and get a
reference for the APPLE ASCII character set for the IAB.
o SNMP over IPX, Appletalk, OSI
The IAB has a question about whether there is a preference for UDP
over other protocols where UDP may be present in a multi-protocol
segment of the network. The general policy on this was published as
RFC 1270.
ACTION: Piscitello -- Communicate by reference the preference for running
SNMP over UDP if UDP is present in the local networking environment.
o String Representation of Distinguished Name
A new document is ready for IESG consideration. Because the changes
are numerous, a second last call should be issued.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Send a second last call for the Internet Draft
"String Representation of Distinguished Names".
o RIP Version 2
There was nothing to report. Efforts to conclude a review of RIP V2
are continuing.
During IESG review of the protocol, the identification of character
sets and the naming of a default character set were discussed. It
is an architectural principle articulated by the IAB that ASCII be
the default character set in the Internet, and that a mechanism for
identification of other character sets be present wherever a text
field is specified. Changes were identified in the IDENT documents
and a new version is expected. The IDENT MIB deals correctly with
this issue but requires the assignment of OID's to the character
sets named in the MIME registry.
ACTION: S. Crocker -- Encourage Mike St. Johns to submit a new version
of the IDENT protocol to the Internet Drafts directory.
3) Technical Management
o Routing and Addressing
A copy of the IESG plan for Routing and Addressing was posted as an
Internet Draft. There has been some comment on the criterion as
specified, in particular on the operational transition and security
considerations. The IESG agreed to incorporate what little feedback
has been received into a new version to be published as an
Informational RFC.
ACTION: Gross -- Send to Vaudreuil a list of changes to be made to the
IESG Road document.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- With the changes from Gross, edit the IESG ROAD
Plan document and send it to the RFC Editor for publication.
The IESG plans to meet and discuss the ROAD presentations during the
week. A lunch meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday to prepare
for the Open Plenary. The Open Plenary will be devoted to
discussing the various ROAD proposals. The IESG also plans to meet
Friday morning and possibly again in the afternoon with the IAB.
ACTION: Gross -- Contact Braden and invite the IAB to join the IESG for
lunch on the Friday of the November IETF meeting.
o New IESG Members / Re-alignment of Areas.
With the departure of Noel Chiappa and Susan Estrada and the
increased work load in the Internet and Routing Areas, the IESG has
begun the process of re-aligning Working Groups and Areas.
The IESG discussed re-aligning the addressing work of the Internet
Area into the Routing and the formation of a directorate to better
coordinate the development of IP version 7 and a new routing
architecture. The Internet Area will continue to be responsible for
issues of IP over FOO, and network level multi-protocol
The OSI protocols in the Internet are now mature enough to be
coordinated directly in the relevant IESG area. The IESG discussed
moving OSI applications in the Applications area, the OSI
Operational groups to the Operational Requirements area, and network
level groups to the Internet Area. Under this scheme the OSI Area
Directors would move to other areas to foster the integration of
OSI protocols into the general Internet Infrastructure.
ACTION: All IESG -- Examine the Working Groups in your relevant area
and make suggestions for the re-alignment of groups to foster better
The IESG is still under-staffed and Phill Gross asked the IESG to
submit recommendations for new Area Directors. To deal with the
work load, the IESG agreed to form Area Directorates as soon as
possible given the re-alignment of IESG areas.
(ED Note: These names will not appear in the final minutes)
o John Curran was nominated from UCL for Internet Area
o Daniel Karrenberg for Internet Area
o Stev Knowles for Internet
o IESG Meeting Minutes
After reviewing the IESG minutes, Phill Gross observed that the
minutes do not accurately reflect the full deliberations of the
IESG. In particular, many discussions begun at an IESG
teleconference are concluded by email and are not recorded. After
discussion, the IESG asked Vaudreuil to prepare an appendix for the
minutes reflecting follow up-discussions up to the next IESG
POSITION: IESG minutes should reflect IESG mailing list deliberations.
o Working Group Charters
IETF Working Group charters are not being well updated. The
secretariat will begin a review of the charters and will work with
Area Directors and Working Group chairman to re-write the charters
in the new more trackable form. In particular, there are several
working groups which claim to be piloting various protocols, but
there are no deliverables. These groups should have a milestone to
report on the progress of the pilot.
4) Working Group Actions.
o OSI Upper-Layer Communications for Applications (skinstak)
The charter as written is too broad and needs to be refined to
address the specific types of protocols to be profiled for this
treatment. The IESG is reluctant to charter a working group to
define an general OSI profile but is willing to charter a group to
profile OSI for Internet use.
ACTION: Huizer -- Encourage the submission of a new charter for the
skinstak group.
Appendix - Action Items
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Contact the author of the PPP LCP and get a
reference for the APPLE ASCII character set for the IAB.
ACTION: Piscitello -- Communicate by reference the preference for
running SNMP over UDP if UDP is present in the local networking
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- Send a second last call for the Internet Draft
"String Representation of Distinguished Names".
ACTION: S. Crocker -- Encourage Mike St. Johns to submit a new version
of the IDENT protocol to the Internet Drafts directory.
ACTION: Gross -- Send to Vaudreuil a list of changes to be made to the
IESG Road document.
ACTION: Vaudreuil -- With the changes from Gross, edit the IESG ROAD
Plan document and send it to the RFC Editor for publication.
ACTION: Gross -- Contact Braden and invite the IAB to join the IESG for
lunch on the Friday of the November IETF meeting.
ACTION: All IESG -- Examine the Working Groups in your relevant area
and make suggestions for the re-alignment of groups to foster better
ACTION: Huizer -- Encourage the submission of a new charter for the
skinstak group.
Appendix - Positions Taken
POSITION: IESG minutes should reflect IESG mailing list deliberations.
Appendix - Mailing List Follow up Discussion
o Re-alignment of the IESG Areas.
The following new alignment was proposed for the OSI Area Working Groups.
- MHS-DS (mhsds) => Applications
- MIME-MHS Interworking (mimemhs) => Applications
- Network OSI Operations (noop) => Operational Requirements
- OSI Directory Services (osids) => Applications
- X.400 Operations (x400ops) => Applications
The following alignment was proposed for the Routing Area
- IP over Large Public Data Networks (iplpdn) => Internet
The following alignment was proposed for the Internet Area
- IP Address Encapsulation (ipae) => Routing
- P. Internet Protocol (pip) => Routing
- TCP/UDP over CLNP-addressed Networks (tuba) => Routing